主讲:逢甲大学 张真诚教授
专家简介:张真诚,博士,逢甲大学讲座教授,中正大学荣誉教授。他对于信息安全、密码学与多媒体图像处理三大领域进行长期深入的研究,发表研究论文数100余篇及学术专书36册,研究成果丰硕。2010年获DBLP数据库论文成果(世界排名第2);根据Google Scholar统计,共获引用26930余次,H影响因子为78次。多项创新发明、理论、技术应用已被收录于国外的教科书。曾主持各类基金项目110余项,并有17项专刊(含1项美国专利和2项中国专利)。1998年当选为国际电子电机工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow)与英国电机工程师学会会士(IET Fellow)。历年指导博士生已毕业者56人,硕士生已毕业者177人。2012年获亚洲信息安全领域终身成就奖。
报告摘要:Secret sharing is an important technique to ensure well protection of transmitted information by dividing a secret message into several shadows that are held among a set of participants. In this talk, I will introduce a novel secret sharing method using two meaningful digital images with cheating detection. It allows a dealer to share a secret message into two different meaningful images through the guidance of the turtle shell magic matrix. Then, after performing a permutation operation, two meaningful shadow images are generated and distributed to two participants. The secret message can be reconstructed only when both participants cooperate by releasing real shadow images. Honest participant in this method can easily detect whether the other participant is cheating via presenting a faked shadow. Experimental results show that this method ensures high quality of shadow images and good embedding capacity. The cheating detection process is also effective and very easy to implement.