学术讲座【Secure Search over Encrypted Data in the Cloud】




报告题目:Secure Search over Encrypted Data in the Cloud


时间:2018-05-18 (星期五) 10:20 ~ 2018-05-18 (星期五) 11:20




主办数学与信息学院, 福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室




报告摘要:Cloud computing provides virtually unlimited computational and storage resources and has attracted increasing number of individuals and corporations to migrate their data into the cloud. The data privacy concerns the cloud computing brings along with it inspire cloud users to encrypt their sensitive documents before they are outsourced to the cloud. Encryption translates data into unreadable ciphertext and how to search over and share encrypted data have been a challenging research problem. Searchable encryption (SE) has been proposed as an effective method to execute keyword search over encrypted data. In this report, we introduce the latest research achievement in secure search over encrypted data in the cloud. Specifically, the homomorphic encryption method is utilized to design a novel searchable encryption mechanism. With this new tool, flexible wildcard searchable encryption system and multiple-keyword rank searchable encryption system are proposed to enhance the security level of SE and realize more flexible functions.


报告人简介:Yang Yang, Ph.D (from Xidian University), IEEE Member, CCF Member. She is an associate professor in the college of mathematics and computer science, Fuzhou University. She has been a research fellow (postdoctor) under supervisor Robert H. Deng in Singapore Management University from 2016-2017. Her research interests are in the area of cloud security, IoT security, privacy-preserving computation and network security. She has already published over 60 research articles in both journals (include 10 IEEE Trans.) and conferences, such as IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TSC, IEEE TII, IEEE TCC, etc.