

2016年12月8日,澳大利亚迪肯大学文晟教授访问网络安全与密码技术重点实验室,并于下午在成功楼601报告厅作了题为“When Augmented  Reality Comes to Melbourne: People, Pokémon, and Their Social  Networking”的学术报告。

增强现实技术(Augmented  Reality,AR)是一种实时地计算摄影机影像的位置及角度并加上相应图像、视频、3D模型的技术,这种技术的目标是在屏幕上把虚拟世界套在现实世界并进行互动。文教授以当前流行的一款基于AR的Pokémon  GO游戏为例,介绍了他们的研究工作,即设计调查问卷去收集游戏玩家个人行为并通过地图来跟踪他们的活动区域,以收集的数据来建立物理世界与虚拟世界的共生社交网络,并且以数据为驱动去研究这两个共生社交网络的相互影响。研究发现,玩家在虚拟世界中的活动反映了他们身体的行为和运动,同时AR技术也改变了玩家的社会行为。据了解,文教授的团队是第一个研究这种以AR游戏为背景的社交网络及其参与者的,该研究将在社会工程学和公共安全保护等方面得到广泛应用。  


专家简介:Dr. Sheng Wen received two PhD degrees from Central South  University, China in February 2013 and Deakin University, Melbourne, in October  2014, respectively. He has been working full-time as a research fellow in Deakin  University after he submitted his doctoral thesis in April 2014. From January  2015, he has been a Lecturer in Computer Science in the School of Information  Technology in Deakin University. He also joined the Centre of Cyber Security  Research as a core research member. Dr. Wen manages several small research  projects that are considered as seed funding for national projects. For example,  he is in charge of three Central Research Grants Schemes (CRGS) in Deakin  University. He also manages industrial funding for start-up companies, such as  Industry Engagement and Incentive Scheme in Deakin University. Since late 2014,  Dr. Wen has received 5 small projects from both academia and industries. Dr. Wen  is also leading a small research group. This small team includes Dr. Wen, 3 PhD  students in Deakin as supervisors and one external senior researcher as  collaborator (Dr. Mohammod S. Haghighi in University of Teheran). The small team  focuses on the research of social network analysis and cyber physical security.  In the last four years, as an excellent early career researcher, Dr. Wen has  published more than 40 high-quality papers, including 25 journal papers (e.g.  IEEE TPDS, TDSC, TIFS, TC, ACM TSN) and 15 conference articles in the fields of  information security, epidemic modelling and source identification. Dr. Wen has  also been actively providing services to the research community. For example, he  is on the editorial board of Journals: 1) Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks  (Elsevier, IF=0.487), 2) International Journal of Computer and Applications  (Flayer, IF=0.22). He has been invited to be Chair Committee member for WMNC  2015, CSS 2015, IEEE BigDataService 2015, and GPC 2015. He also served as PC  member for a number of International Conferences, such as Trustcom 2014, NSS  2014, SmartComp 2014, Trustcom 2015, ACISP 2016, AICCSA 2015, CSS 2012,  DependSys 2015, HPCC 2015, ICA3PP 2015, ICA3PP 2011, ISICA 2015, NSS 2015, SNAMS  2015, SocialSec 2015, SocialSec 2016, DependSys 2016, TrustCom 2016, IEEE ICC  2016, IEEE Globalcom 2016.

