报告题目:Secure Data Deletion on Flash-based Storage Media
报告时间:2023-06-09 (星期五) 14:30-16:30
主持/邀请人 :尤玮婧,副教授、硕导
Modern mobile computing devices (e.g., smart phones, tablets, IoT devices) usually use NAND flash as external storage. Compared to traditional mechanical disk drives, NAND flash has some special characteristics: a write operation can be performed only after an erasure has been performed; reading/programming operations can be performed on the basis of small pages, but erase operations can only be performed on the basis of large blocks; flash memory cells can be programmed/erased for a limited number of times; etc. Protecting sensitive data stored in flash memory while being able to accommodate its special nature is very challenging. Secure data deletion is a critical data security guarantee which ensures that once the sensitive data are deleted, the adversary is not able to completely or partially restore the deleted data.
This talk will introduce our recent research advance on secure data deletion in computing devices using flash memory as the external storage. We have identified various secure deletion compromises caused by the special designs of flash memory systems, and designed various novel techniques which can mitigate those compromises to achieve the secure deletion guarantee.
Dr. Bo Chen is a Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University. He has been conducting security and privacy research in Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, and Cloud Computing. Dr. Chen has published extensively (60+ publications) in prestigious conferences, journals, books, including top-tier security and privacy conferences like ACM CCS, NDSS, ACSAC, DSN, ESORICS, AsiaCCS, etc. Dr. Chen received an Outstanding Paper Award from ACM CODASPY 2013, a Distinguished Paper Award from ACSAC 2017, and a Best Paper Award from EAI AC3 2021. He has been serving as the general chair for 2023 International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles, 2021 International Conference on Applied Cryptography in Computer and Communications, etc. He was also the guest editor for a few international journals including Cybersecurity, Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, etc. In addition, he has been serving as the program committee member for more than 50 conferences including CCS, ACSAC, DSN, ESORICS, AsiaCCS, CODASPY, SecureComm, CANS, as well as the reviewer for more than 40 journals including TDSC and TIFS. His projects have been funded by US National Science Foundation and US National Security Agency, with 5 million USD as principal investigator and co-principal investigator.