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34.郑之,陈尤莺, 陈丽萍,郭躬德,樊永显,孔祥增.Signal-BNF: A Bayesian Network Fusing Approach to Predict Signal Peptides .Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology.2012 (Epub 2012 Oct 15) 卷: 2012页: 492174.
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43. 严晓明,郑之;BP与RBF网络在一些非线性曲线拟合上性能的比较;福建农林大学学报(自然科学版);2011.
44.龚平,蒋建民,张仕. OWL-S过程模型的形式化分析,2011 IEEE Aisa-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2011, Jeju Island, South Korea, Dec 12-15 2011, pp.215-222.
45.龚平,蒋建民,张仕. 基于FDR的OWL-S过程模型的组合性验证,Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2012, vol7,No12, pp: 398-409.
46.Changlu Lin(林昌露) and Chenglian Liu. Ciphertext-Auditable Public Key Encryptions without Random Oracles. Information, 2012, 15(6): 2599-2602.
47.Tang fei, Changlu Lin(林昌露), Yong Li, and Shengyuan Zhang, Identity-based strong designated verifier signature scheme with full non-delegatability, Proceeding s of the 2011 IEEE International Workshop on Security and Privacy (with TrustCom 2011) – SPIoT ’11, Beijing, November, 2011, pp. 800-805.
48.Changlu Lin(林昌露) and Lein Harn. Unconditionally Secure Multi-Secret Sharing Scheme. Proceedings .of 2012 IEEE International Comference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering – CSAE 2012, Zhangjiajie, May 2012, vol.1, 169-172.
49.Changlu Lin(林昌露) and Lein Harn. Unconditionally secure verifiable secret sharing scheme. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2012, 4(17): 514-518.
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55.黄添强, 余养强, 郭躬德. 半监督的移动对象离群轨迹检测算法. 计算机研究与发展, 2011年, 48(11): 2074-2082.
56.黄添强, 李凯, 郭躬德.. 基于局部相关维度的流形离群点检测算法. 模式识别与人工智能, 2011年, 24(5): 629-636.
57.Xinyi Huang, Yi Mu, Willy Susilo, Duncan S. Wong and Wei Wu;Certificateless Signatures: New Schemes and Security Models;The Computer Journal,2012 ,55 (4),457-473.
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63.李南,郭躬德,面向高速数据流的集成分类器算法.计算机应用,32(3) 629-633,2012.
64. 王怡,郭躬德,Signal-LMS:一种局部序列匹配相似度预测信号肽的方法. 生物物理学报,2012,Vol. 28 (6): 499-508.
67.陈黎飞, 郭躬德. 最近邻分类的多代表点学习算法. 模式识别与人工智能,2011, 24(6): 882-888.
68.Lifei Chen(陈黎飞), Qingshan Jiang, Shengrui Wang. Model-based Method for Projective Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 2012, 24(7):1291-1305.
69.张健飞, 陈黎飞, 郭躬德. 检测迷惑恶意代码的层次化特征选择方法, 计算机应用. 2012, 32(10):2761-2767.
70.李南,郭躬德,基于子空间集成的概念漂移数据流分类算法,计算机系统应用,20(12): 240-248, 2011.
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