发布时间:2019-05-23   浏览次数:244

[1]  Yang Shao-Jun. Some results of the fuzzy relation inequalities with addition-min composition[J]. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy s ystems, 2017:26(1),239-245. (SCI-I)
[2]  Guo G , Chen L , Ye Y , et al. Cluster Validation Method for Determining the Number of Clusters in Categorical Sequences[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning s ystems, 2017 :28(12):2936-2948. (SCI-I)
[3]  Fang H , Xu L , Choo K K R . Stackelberg game based relay selection for physical layer security and energy efficiency enhancement in cognitive radio networks[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017:296:153-167. (SCI-II )
[4]  Lin H , Hu J , Tian Y , et al. Toward better data veracity in mobile cloud computing: A context-aware and incentive-based reputation mechanism[J]. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2017:37,238-253. (SCI-II )
[5]  Zhang Y , Xiang Y , Wu W , Abdulhameed Alelaiwi. A variant of password authenticated key exchange protocol[J]. Future Generation Computer s ystems, 2017:78,699-711. (SCI-II )
[6]  Ma J , Liu J , Huang X , et al. Authenticated Data Redaction with Fine-Grained Control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2017:1-1. (SCI-II)
[7]  Li X , Zhou S , Xu X , et al. The Reliability Analysis Based on Subs ystems of (n,k) -Star Graph[J]. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2016, 65(4):1700-1709. (SCI-III)
[8]  Lin S , Liu W , Guo G , et al. Cryptanalysis of Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Secure Direct Communication Network Using Classical XOR Operation and Quantum Entanglement[J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2017:1-1. (SCI-III)
[9]  Wu W , Hu S , Yang X , et al. Towards secure and cost-effective fuzzy access control in mobile cloud computing[J]. Soft Computing, 2017, 21(10):2643-2649. (SCI-III )
[10] Xu L , Zhang J , Tsai P W , et al. Uncertain random spectra: a new metric for assessing the survivability of mobile wireless sensor networks[J]. Soft Computing, 2017, 21(10):2619-2629. (SCI-III)
[11] Fang H , Xu L , Huang X . Self-adaptive trust management based on game theory in fuzzy large-scale networks[J]. Soft Computing, 2017, 21(4):907-921. (SCI-III )
[12] Xiaoding W , Li X , Shuming Z . A Straight Skeleton Based Connectivity Restoration Strategy in the Presence of Obstacles for WSNs[J]. Sensors, 2017:17(10):2299-. (SCI-III )
[13] Fang H , Xu L , Li J , et al. An adaptive trust-Stackelberg game model for security and energy efficiency in dynamic cognitive radio networks[J]. Computer Communications, 2017(105),124-132. (SCI-III )
[14] Su, C. , Santoso, B. , Li, Y. , Deng, R. H. , & Huang, X. . Universally Composable RFID Mutual Authentication. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,2017:14(1), 83-94. (SCI-III )
[15] C Lin,W Wu,X Huang,L Xu. A new universal designated verifier transitive signature scheme for big graph data. Journal of Computer & s ystem Sciences, 2017:83(1):73-83. ( SCI-III )
[16] Chen L , Qiu L , Li K C , et al. DMRS: an efficient dynamic multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data[J]. Soft Computing, 2017:21(1):1-13. (SCI-III)
[17] Zhou S , Li X , Li J , et al. Reliability Assessment of Multiprocessor s ystem Based on (n,k)-Star Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2017:66(4),1025-1035. (SCI-III)
[18] Ye Q , Ke P , Shen J . Linear complexity of a class of pseudorandom sequences over a general finite field[J]. Soft Computing, 2017:22(13),4335-4346. (SCI-III )
[19] Ke P , Ye Z , Zhou Z , et al. Autocorrelation of the Modified Binary Two-Prime Sidelnikov Sequence[J]. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2017:28(04):391-409. (SCI-IIII )
[20] Xu X , Zhou S , Li J . Reliability of Complete Cubic Networks under the Condition of g-Good-Neighbor [J]. The Computer Journal, 2016:60(5),625-635. (SCI-IIII )
[21] Xiang Xu, Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou, Rong-Xia Hao, Mei-Mei Gu. The g-good-neighbor diagnosability of (n, k)-star graphs, Theoretical Computer Science,2017: 659,53–63. (SCI-IIII )
[22] Cai B , Guo G , Lin S . Multi-party quantum key agreement with teleportation[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2017:31(10),1750102:1-1750102:11. (SCI-IIII )
[23] Cai B B , Guo G D , Lin S . Multi-party Quantum Key Agreement without Entanglement[J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017: 56(4):1039-1051. (SCI-IIII )
[24] Peng SHI ,Junru CHEN, Jinke LIN, Lurong ZHANG.High-throughput fat quantifications of hematoxylin-eosin stained liver histopathological images based on pixel-wise clustering[J]. Science China(Information Sciences), 2017(09):109-120. (SCI-IIII )
[25] Ye A , Zheng Y , Xu L , et al. A road-network based privacy-preserving approach in trajectory publishing[J]. Journal of Internet Technology, 2017:18(4):867-876. (SCI-IIII )
[26] Xu L , Zhang J , Xiang Y , et al. Network Coding Based Converge-Cast Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2017:96(4),4947-4972. (SCI-IIII )
[27] Wang Xiaoding, Xu Li,Zhou Shuming,Wu, Wei,Hybrid Recovery Strategy Based on Random Terrain in Wireless Sensor Networks[J].Scientific Programming,2017.01.01,2017:1~19. (SCI-IIII )
[28] Feng Wang, Li Xu . Strongly Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme in the Standard Model with Resisting Malicious-But-Passive KGC Attack Ability. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 33(4): 873-889 (2017). (SCI-IIII)
[29] Liu J , Ma J , Wu W , et al. Protecting Mobile Health Records in Cloud Computing: A Secure, Efficient, and Anonymous Design[J]. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing s ystems, 2017:16(2):57. (SCI-IIII)
[30] Lin H , Hu J , Xu L , et al. A trustworthy and energy-aware routing protocol in software-defined wireless mesh networks[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017:64,407-419. (SCI-IIII)
[31] Ye A , Li Y , Xu L . A novel location privacy-preserving scheme based on l-queries for continuous LBS[J]. Computer Communications, 2017:98,1-10. (EI)
[32] Chen L , Guo G , Chen L . Smooth Representation Clustering Based on Kernelized Random Walks[J]. APWeb-WAIM 2017: Web and Big Data ,3-10. (EI)
[33] Yang X , Lee T T , Liu J K , et al. Trust Enhancement over Range Search for Encrypted Data[C]// Trustcom/bigdatase/ispa. IEEE, 2017. (EI)
[34] Xiang Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Li Xu. Diagnosabilities of regular networks under three-valued comparison models, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 10(4/5)(2017) 251-258. (EI)
[35] Ma J , Liu J , Wang M , et al. An Efficient and Secure Design of Redactable Signature Scheme with Redaction Condition Control[C]// International Conference on Green. Springer, Cham, 2017. (EI)
[36] Shi P , Zhong J , Huang R , et al. Automated Quantitative Image Analysis of Hematoxylin-Eosin Staining Slides in Lymphoma Based on Hierarchical Kmeans Clustering[C]// International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine & Education. IEEE, 2017. (EI)
[37] Ye A , Li Y , Xu L , et al. A Trajectory Privacy-Preserving Algorithm Based on Road Networks in Continuous Location-Based Services[C]// A Trajectory Privacy-Preserving Algorithm Based on Road Networks in Continuous Location-Based Services. IEEE Computer Society, 2017. (EI)
[38] Xiao J , Xu L , Lin L , et al. A Privacy-Preserving Approach Based on Graph Partition for Uncertain Trajectory Publishing[C]// International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Computing. IEEE, 2017. (EI)
[39] Li Q , Ye A , Xu L . A Defense Mechanism Against Location Cheating Attack in Social Network[C]// IEEE Second International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace. IEEE, 2017. (EI)
[40] Lin H , Hu J . A Secure Collaborative Spectrum Sensing Strategy in Cyber-Physical s ystems[C]// IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things. IEEE, 2017. (EI)
[41] Li Z , Ke P , Ye Z . New Construction of Low-Hit-Zone Frequency Hopping Sequence Sets with Optimal Partial Hamming Correlation[J]. 2017. (EI)
[42] 马金花,刘江华,伍玮, 等.可修订数字签名研究综述[J].计算机研究与发展,2017,54(10):2144-2152. (A类)
[43] 叶锋,李婉茹,陈家祯, 等.基于显著性区域检测和水平集的图像快速分割算法[J].电子与信息学报,2017,39(11):2661-2668. (A类)
[44] 陈家祯,郑子华,叶锋, 等.三维物体多重菲涅耳计算全息水印与无干扰可控重建方法[J].物理学报,2017,66(23):144-157. (A类)
[45] 林建辉,严宣辉,黄波.融合信任用户的协同过滤推荐算法[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(6):124-130. (B类)
[46] 李海超,王开军.基于LASSO回归模型的网贷借款成功影响因素挖掘[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(7):204-209. (B类)
[47] 陈家祯,郑子华,叶锋, 等.基于FPGA和FIR滤波的数字全息零级像抑制[J].网络新媒体技术,2017,6(5):36-41. (B类)
[48] 王开军,林品乐.基于直觉模糊集的灰色模型故障预测[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(4):29-34. (B类)
[49] 王敏,马金花,刘江华, 等.两类可截取签名方案的改进[J].网络与信息安全学报,2017,3(4):69-77. (B类)
[50] 李洋,刘江华,伍玮.支持丰富访问控制策略的群组协作密文策略属性基加密[J].网络与信息安全学报,2017,3(5):54-61. (B类)
[51] 叶锋,廖茜,林萧, 等.基于机器视觉的交通拥堵评估系统[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(7):78-83. (B类)
[52] 张欣欣,许力,林丽美.平衡超立方体的故障容错性[J].网络与信息安全学报,2017,3(9):40-46. (B类)
[53] 叶锋,廖茜,汪敏, 等.基于视频分析和多传感器融合的移动式监控系统[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(8):88-93. (B类)
[54] 李海超,王开军,胡淼, 等.回归模型中哑变量的相对重要性指数[J].计算机应用,2017,37(11):3048-3052. (B类)
[55] 田健,王开军.自适应紧致特征的超像素目标跟踪[J].中国图象图形学报,2017,22(10):1409-1417. (B类)
[56] 李晴,叶阿勇,许力.社交网络中基于定位欺骗的隐私攻击研究[J].信息网络安全,2017,(5):51-56. (B类)
[57] 林品乐,王开军.基于模糊贴近度的粒子滤波故障预测[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(2):134-138. (B类)
[58] 李承欣, 叶锋, 陈家祯,等. 一种时空域结合的自适应错误隐藏算法[J]. 小型微型计算机系统, 2017, 38(7):1625-1630. (B类)
[59] 苏彬庭,许力,王峰.支持批量认证和隐私保护的无线Mesh网络切换认证方案[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(1):212-216. (B类)
[60] 陈兰香,邱林冰.基于Merkle哈希树的可验证密文检索方案[J].信息网络安全,2017,(4):1-8. (B类)
[61] 章红艳,许力,林丽美.无线传感器网络中基于超立方体的对密钥建立方案研究[J].信息网络安全,2017,(12):1-5. (B类)
[62] 陈兰香,周书明.云存储中基于二进制向量索引的密文云数据排序查询方法[J].计算机应用与软件,2017,34(3):7-12,80. (B类)
[63] 郑子华,陈家祯,叶锋.基于曲率估计的Canny边缘检测算法[J].计算机系统应用,2017,26(12):148-154. (B类)
[64] 张楠,陈兰香.一种高效的支持排序的关键词可搜索加密系统研究[J].信息网络安全,2017,(2):43-50. (B类)
[65] 范宇杰,陈黎飞,郭躬德.软件代码的恶意行为学习与分类[J].数据采集与处理,2017,32(3):612-620. (CSCD类)
[66] 叶锋,洪斯婷,郑德城, 等.基于Adaboost与背景差分级联的室内人数统计方法[J].福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),2017,33(1):7-13. (CSCD类)
[67] Lin C J , Huang X , Li S , et al. Linearly Homomorphic Signatures with Designated Entities[J].Information Security Practice and Experience - 13th International Conference, ISPEC 2017, Proceedings. (会议论文)
[68] Mengyang Yu, Hui Lin, Jia Hu. A Data Trustworthiness Enhanced Reputation Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings). (会议论文)
[69] Zhu F , Zhang Y , Lin C , et al. A Universal Designated Multi-verifier Transitive Signature scheme[J]. 2017. Information Security and Cryptology - 13th International Conference, Inscrypt 2017. (会议论文)

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