发布时间:2007-04-25   浏览次数:125

        章静硕士于2007年4月16日-2007年4月17日赴厦门大学参加2007 IEEE International Workshop on  Anti-counterfeiting Security, Identification国际会议并宣读了题为“A Cluster Based Key  Management Protocol for Ad hoc Networks”的论文。

    Secure and efficient communication among a set of mobile node is one of  the most important aspects in ad hoc wireless networks. Due to the resource  scarcity in ad hoc networks, traditional key management protocol cannot be  effectively used in such decentralized networks. This paper studies different  proposals published so far, then proposes a novel solution which uses the trust  evaluation based clustering technique. Based on it, a hybrid decentralized key  management protocol using the NS3 (New Secret Sharing Scheme) algorithm was  proposed for ad hoc networks, covering the aspects of key deployment, key  refreshment and key establishment. And analysis of the proposed protocol over  some problems as the fewer complexity and higher security is also presented.  

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